Cal/OSHA Personal Protective Equipment Awareness For Construction


The Cal/OSHA Personal Protective Equipment Awareness online training from ClickSafety is an introductory-level course designed to teach California-specific guidelines regarding personal protective equipment (PPE) required to perform specific on-the-job tasks. Equipment covered includes, but may not be limited to, hard hats, protective eye wear, hearing protection, protective gloves, footwear, and appropriate clothing.

Throughout this course, participants can expect to learn information designed to protect employees from potential workplace hazards that may result in illness or injury. Participants will also learn how to appropriately inspect equipment for defects and learn how to ascertain when equipment needs to be replaced.

SKU: MOOD492 Category:


ClickSafety’s Cal/OSHA Personal Protective Equipment awareness course teaches participants how to determine which PPE is required to perform specific jobsite tasks. Participants will learn about Cal/OSHA legal requirements governing PPE, established to ensure safety to the highest degree in the workplace. Specific course topics include the following:

  • Overview of California-specific PPE regulations
  • Introduction to PPE
  • Protecting your head
  • Protecting your body
  • Working over water
  • Final considerations regarding PPE

Specific industry terms discussed throughout the duration of the course include the following:

  • PPE awareness
  • California PPE
  • Cal/OSHA


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